In current times where it is difficult to get a property of your choice, and added worry is whether you will be able to pass the screen test of property management companies in Florida.

It’s not wrong on a property management company’s part to have certain expectations from renters – after all, as a renter, you too have some responsibility towards the property.

We have compiled a comprehensive list of things to keep in mind when you set out in the property market to look.

While you should not worry about the latter in the beginning stages of your house-hunting days, here are some points you should keep in mind if you want to appear as a responsible renter – 

Be On-Time

Especially when you have just begun talks of renting. Arrive on time, do all the paperwork before the deadline, and don’t waste anybody’s time. If you respect the time and are considerate of them, the best property management companies in Florida will look at you in a positive light. 

When you do end up getting the property, make sure you are paying on time. If you do this regularly, you won’t be given a hard time when you do end up having a serious problem that you need to deal with. 

Property Managers Will Do A Background Check So Be Upfront

Instead of trying to hide things, be open. When you get the property, do a thorough checking of it and let your manager know about whatever you find there so that you don’t get blamed for it later on.

Apart from that, if you are new to renting, and are respectful and polite, property managers will be more than happy to help you with repairs, and other issues. 

A little kindness and niceness do go a long way.

Respect the property

As a tenant, the house is now your responsibility as well. Keep it neat and tidy. Adhere to the rules and regulations that the property management company has set with your consent. 

A lot of properties have rules such as – you are not allowed to modify the wall colors or furniture, so make sure you know about those before you try to do something that will cost you and get you into trouble. 

If we talk about the official aspect of it, here are some things you will be asked for when you are looking for properties –

  1. Application fee – This is generally non-refundable.
  2. Identity proof – keep all possible identity proofs with and without photos handy.
  3. Your income – We need to make sure that you have enough resources to pay the rent on time. 
  4. Criminal background check.
  5. Credit score – If it is low, let them know upfront so that we can work something out.
  6. Co-signer – Especially if you are new in the renting business, you will be asked to get a co-signer to guarantee for you.

If you keep these things in mind, rest assured that you will be considered by property management companies for being tenants.

Ultimately, if you are respectful and punctual, you won’t have a lot of worries when it comes to renting a property. It is better to go looking for it only when you know you will be able to pay for at least 3-6 months, depending on your needs.