Rights of Tenants and Landlords

Rental Agreements- Rights of Tenants and Landlords in Houses For Rent in Orlando

Are you searching for a house for rent in Orlando? If yes, then knowing about the rights of the tenants and landlords is essential. 

Landlord-Tenant Act governs the tenancy of commercial and residential properties. It primarily consists of state and common law. 

Several states base their laws on the Uniform Landlord and Tenant Act (URLTA) or the Model Residential Landlord-Tenant Act. Additionally, federal law can be relevant during national/regional emergencies and prevent discrimination. 

Let’s learn every basic detail about the rental agreements, rights of tenants and landlords in Houses for rent in Orlando

Lease Period

  1. The relationship between the tenant and landlord is temporary and agreed upon in advance. When the term expires, the tenant’s ownership rights also end. In this regard, the landlord has the right to take possession of the land and restrict others (including the landlord from entering their land and subleasing or transferring the property).
  2. But in some cases, the tenant can exceed their stay period on the property they were currently residing in even after the lease period expires. These conditions are defined below:-
  3. Natural calamity or Disaster

In case of natural calamity, like a hurricane, tornado, flood, etc., occurs in the state of Florida, properties that come under these situations elsewhere cannot evict their tenants without the proper permission of the state government or the Judiciary. This is also applicable to small homes for rent in Florida or elsewhere.

  1. State emergency

When the government declares a state emergency like a financial crisis or a pandemic like COVID-19, owners can’t evict their tenants without permission of the state government or the Judiciary. Taking help from property management companies in Orlando will keep you safe and updated with all the laws.

  1. War

The housing laws in the state of Florida and the United States of America have clear guidelines for times when a nation is at war. It states landlords can not pass an eviction notice without prior permission from the National Government or the Judiciary.

Quiet Enjoyment or Right to Privacy

The relationship between the landlord and tenant has its basis in obligations arising either from common law or individual tenancy. The basic principle of all rentals is quiet enjoyment. This agreement guarantees the tenant that their possessions will not be disturbed by anyone, even those with the title of the land, including the landlord.

The above statement clearly states that:-

  1. An individual or persons in a group have no right to be on the tenant’s property without prior notice or permission, this applies even to the landlord.
  2. Any person holding a place in law enforcement like police or military personnel in groups or individuals, cannot break the right to privacy without the proper legal documents. These include a state judge-signed warrant or a notice.
  3. The above-mentioned step can be taken only if the tenant has broken any state or federal law. Or they have a minor offense done while on the property, like playing loud music, etc.


Persons in a group or an individual have no right to be on the tenant’s property.

Eviction is the right of an owner. They can legally Barr or ban the current tenant with or without notice. This action can be performed only under given conditions and situations stated by the state government law and the judiciary of Florida.

  1. The tenant can be evicted when they have openly violated the legal agreements or housing laws stated by the state of Florida during their lease period.
  2. The tenant can also be evicted in the absence of the timely payment of the agreed rent amount.

The landlord can use these two methods for eviction.

  1. Self-help eviction

A landlord can physically enter the leased house and use a reasonable amount of force to evict his tenant. But the amount of reasonable force is only determined by a court of law.

  1. Suing the tenant

A landlord can also sue the tenant. Law enforcement handles this situation only after proper permission or a warrant is signed by a judge in the state of Florida.

The landlord cannot evict the tenant in retaliation for a complaint registered by the tenant for reporting a housing violation. If this situation arises, the tenant can file a lawsuit. This may result in the landlord getting fined or getting sentenced to prison.

The Housing Codes to be Followed

The landlord needs to follow some standard protocols. They ought to ensure the house they lease out or have already leased must be habitable.

In case of a breach of law, the tenant can take action as mentioned below:-

  1. They can withhold the requisite rental amount till the landlord complies with the standards set by the housing code and undertakes the rental property maintenance.
  2. The tenant can use the withheld rental amount towards rental property maintenance.
  3. The tenant can take legal action against the owner of the property.


Any discrimination by the landlord or the tenant toward each other is a serious offense according to the Civil Rights Act of 1866 & 42 U.S. Code, Chapter 45, Federal Fair Housing Act. Allow Benchmark Management Group to help you manage your rental properties in an effective way.

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Stressed Landlord calculating Expenses

The Most Common Expenses That Landlords Underestimate

Being a landlord is not as easy as it seems to be. We often think being a landlord is all about buying a property, renting it out, and then earning money. But managing these properties is not an easy job at all.

When you are new to this business, it becomes even more difficult for you to get adapted to this business and earn well out of it. Sometimes your inexperience and carelessness may also lead you to lose money.

The best solution to all these problems is to hire a professional Florida property management company. 

A Florida property management company has professionals with years of experience, and they know how to establish a link between a tenant and the landlord.

So, if you are wondering about the tips, a landlord needs to follow or whether you should hire a property management company or not? Then, all your questions will be answered in this blog.

The Most Common Expenses That Landlords Underestimate

Everybody who starts up any business aims to avoid expenses, losses, and costly damages. Each and every business person’s goal is to attain success and make his business flourish. Similar is the case with the landlords. So often, we see that inexperience leads to the landlords underestimating some most common expenses, which are:

1. The Letting Agency Fees

A landlord can choose from two services of the lettings agency in any case:

  • The Basic Service: When the agency finds tenants and handles all the advertising, interviewing, etc.
  • The Full Management Service: When the agency finds the tenants and manages your property which includes paying bills and handling the relationship with the client.
  • High Street Letting Agency charges you around 8% of the monthly rental price for basic service and 15% for the full management service. You can also go for the ‘no let, no fee’ agency which doesn’t charge you anything if they fail to find a tenant for you.
  • Online Letting Agency charges you 50 euros for managing the initial let of your property along with some other services, which include finding tenants, signing contracts, etc. 

You can also reach out to Florida property management companies for the same.

2. Landlord Insurance

There is a specific type of insurance called landlord insurance which includes the building cover, and it depends on the type of property that you have. You need to select the landlord insurance carefully, keeping in mind all the terms and conditions. Your insurance should cover:

  • Providing secondary accommodation for the tenants if the property becomes unsuitable for living.
  • Loss of rent.
  • Covers damages done by tenants
  • Covers legal fees if you need to take the tenant to court.

3. Property Maintenance And Regular Safety Checks

The landlord is responsible for the overall condition of his property, and to keep the condition better, he should keep checking on his property regularly. This will help to minimize or reduce any big losses that happen due to poor management. Regular checks on gas and electrical appliances cost around 40 to 100 euros. Healthy and safety measures should be taken like providing fire extinguishers, etc. 

4. Costs That Cover Cleaning

You need to carry out the cleaning that is to be done whenever any tenant leaves your property so that it becomes worth living for the new tenants to come. You can also use the tenant deposits to cover cleaning costs only if the tenants have left your property in poor condition. But you need to keep the contract in your mind.

5. Legal Fees

Legal fees is almost forgotten by the landlords while it result in most of the expenses that a landlord has to carry out. It includes:

  • Basic utilities like water etc.
  • Security measures
  • Tenancy agreements
  • Deposit protection scheme registration 

6. Landlord Income Tax

The profit a landlord earns while renting his properties will be subject to taxes. You need to organize your finances which includes keeping proper bills for every work that has been done on the property. This helps you to keep away the income tax officers.

7. Vacant Properties

Your property may not be rented all of the time because tenants may rent it for a specific period of time. So, you need to make sure your vacant property is managed and cleaned properly. 

Need Help With Managing Your Properties?

Many times it happens that some people do have property but do not have time to manage or rent out their properties. Sometimes, people are inexperienced in managing this landlord business and are in need of help.

A Florida property management company tries to establish a connection or link between property owners and tenants. They will help you with managing your property.

Florida property services include a proper advertising budget that they release is a specific targetted audience. They make sure that you are able to manage and enhance your properties.

Florida property services are such that they make you relieved that your assets or property is looked after and taken good care of. They ensure that your property is actively managed. 
The services offered by Florida Property management companies come from the experienced team of professionals that they have. The important benefit of Florida property services is that they build a powerful advertising platform for you.

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